
  1. Download Windows version from the software page: 
  2. Run the setup. This should create J3JC folder on your desktop
  3. Open newly created folder: Desktop>J3JC>data
  4. Right click j3jc.cmd file and create Desktop Shortcut for it

  1. Double click shortcut on the desktop
  2. In  opened file dialog navigate to Desktop>J3JC folder and select:
    1. NEW.log to start completely new event
    2. CURRENT.log to proceed editing from the same place you've finished last time
    3. Any other backed up *.log file to get back to that point in time

After perfoming this actions you should see your browser window with start page of the software. Please reffer to the software manual for further instructions.

If you were unable to start the software, please checkout our troubleshooting articles or write us a message at