In recent years, running an OVS server on a virtual private server (VPS) has become a popular option. This allows for easy access to the scoring system from anywhere with an internet connection, which is often more convenient than setting up a wired or wireless network. Additionally, renting a VPS from a provider usually costs around $20/month.

However, one drawback of this approach is that the HDTMD machine and HDShift video replay integration does not work with a VPS, as the HDTMD is connected to the local network and the VPS operates on a different network. Fortunately, there is a solution - we recently tested a "port forwarding" service called, which can expose the HDTMD http server to the internet, making it accessible from the VPS.

Here are the steps to set it up:

  1. Create an account at
  2. Download Packetriot and unpack the archive.
  3. Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the unpacked archive folder.
  4. Run
    pktriot.exe configure
  5. Enter the input: [1]
  6. Enter your email and password, then select to connect to the eu-central or any server that is closer to you.
  7. Save the hostname, e.g. "".
  8. Add forwarding from the domain to port 8080 by running the command:
    pktriot.exe tunnel http add --domain --destination --http 8080
  9. Start the tunnel with
    pktriot.exe start
  10. Your HDTMD API will be exposed as, which you can add to the OVS settings as if OVS and HDTMD were in the same network.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate the HDTMD machine and HDShift video replay with a VPS.