With sporttech.io you can add any number of videos recordings from youtube to your competition and sync them with the scores, this way you can turn long 2-4-8 hours livestream recording to the easy searchable video archive for the competition. For example, check out this competition: 

Trampoline World Cup & Peter The Great Cup - Saint-Petersburg Trampoline Age Group Competitions.

You can seek video to any executions from the start list page, from the results page and from the medalist snapshots.

Watch video above to know learn how to do it.

Additional notes

Press Start when athlete actually starts the routine

The accuracy of the sync will be good if secretary or CJP will press Start at the actual start of the execution – explain this to them.  Sometime it is 

more convenient to use 2nd or 3rd execution instead of first, because some secretaries tend to click Start during warmups for the first participant. 

Do not pause video during recording

The video should be "continuous" i.e. without pauses, for youtube live broadcasts recordings this is usually true. If you are recording with a camera it is 

better to use continuous chunks no large than 2 hours to upload to youtube. 

How to get youtube video id

Youtube video id is random combination of symbols that identifies the video ("Vbkp8T3CObw" in thе example below). You can obtain it in several ways from the video page at youtube:

1. Copy id from the video url:

2. Copy id from the Share link:

3. Copy id from the embed link: