You can use XLSX or CSV file to import athletes and competitions to our system. 

There are 4 options with slightly different files format:

  1. Import athletes for one competition (category) at the stage page.
  2. Import athletes and competitions list for whole discipline at the event page.

  3. Import athletes database at the settings page of the event.

  4. Import delegation to the accreditation system

To see some of it in action check out this video:

Continue reading for more information.

Import athletes for one competition at the stage page

Go to the Live scoring of any competition (category) and click Edit. 

Click "Import from CSV or XLSX at the bottom of the page".

File format for this page:

You should not use headers in the first row of the file. Just fill in athletes data.

N Column Type Description Format Example
1 Surname required Athletes surname [string] Bruce
2 GivenName required Athletes name [string] Willis
3 Representing required Team name. Can be country and club, separated
with comma
[string] or
[string, string]
USA, Mega Tramp
4 DateOfBirth optional Date or year of birth. [yyyy] or
5 Group optional
Group number. If group does not exists import will create it. [number] 1
6 Ranked optional
If this participant will be ranked. Should be string. Default 'true'. 'false' or empty false
7 Team optional
Team id. Number from 0..29. Required to combine executions to team results [number] 5
8 NumberInTeam optional Number of athlete inside the team. For TRA usually 0..3. [number] 0
9 Description optional Text field for additional information. For usage see this support article:
«description» field for compulsory routines
[yyyy] or
10 ExternalID optional Number that can be used to connect athlete with external system (i.e. FIG ID) [number] 77777

You can omit optional columns or some of the optional values. If you will omit some of the required values the athlete will be skipped. 

Import athletes and competitions list for whole discipline at the event page

Go to the main event page of any competition (category) and click Edit. 

Click "Import from CSV or XLSX at the bottom of the page".

File format for this page:

This is very similar to one above, only with addition of first column:

N Column Type Description Format Example
1 Competition required Name of the competition or category where athlete will participate. If there is no such category new one will be created. Athlete will be inserted in the first stage of the competition. [string] G15-16

Import athletes database at the settings page of the event

Go to the settings page of the event. 

Click "Import from CSV or XLSX at the bottom of the page".

This option is usefull to load your athletes database to use with autocomplete when registering athletes manually.

File format:

The fields and the description are similar to Stage page (but less columns are supported).

Import delegation to the accreditation system

Go to inscriptions page.

Press edit and Choose file.

This import would not work for the events with mandatory photos. For some of the events options and values can be different.

File format:

N Column Type Description Format Example
1 Surname required Athletes surname [string] Bruce
2 GivenName required Athletes name [string] Willis
3 DateOfBirth required
Date or year of birth. [yyyy] or
5 Sex required
Person Sex (male or female) 'male' or 'female' male
6 Role optional
The string identifying for the person role in the competition.
  • "HD" head of delegation
  • "TM" team manager
  • "G" gymnast
  • "C" coach
  • "Med" medical staff
  • "J" judge
  • "Ch" chaperon
  • "GT" guest
  • "DEL/AccPerson" accompanying person
Default is gymnast ("G").

[string] from list
from "descripion"
5 Transport optional
Transport category ('T1', 'T2', T3') as per FIG accreditations rules.
Default is 'T3'.
'T1' or 'T2' or 'T3' T2
6 VIP optional
Is VIP. Default false. 'true' or empty true