Description of the columns 


Number of the row. (number)

It is useful when you need to restore initial sorting order from whatever state you have.

Event UUID

Unique event identifier. (string) Internal identifier (unique for each event). Can be found in every url related to the event at 


Title of the Event (string).
Subtitle Subtitle of the Event (string)
Discipline Discipline of the competition (string)

One of the following values:
  • TRA – individual trampoline
  • SYN – syncronised trampoline
  • DMT – double mini trampoline
  • TUM – tumbling


Name of the competition inside the event. (string)
Stage One part of the competition (string).

One of the following values: 

  • Qualification
  • Quater-finals
  • Semi-finals
  • Finals
  • Team-finals

(may be different for regional rules)

Group Number of group in the stage. (number)
Time Group comment field text. (string). Usually is used to input group starting time.

Performance #

Number athlete inside one group. (number)


Whether this athlete was ranked or his was not competing. (boolean)
Rank Rank of the athlete inside given stage of the competition. (number)
Mark Total Total mark for the all routines in stage. (number)

To avoid decimal signs the mark is multiplied by 1000, i.e. 49840 represents 49.840 total mark
Team Team id for team competitions. (number)
Team Rank

Team rank for team competitions. (number)

Team Mark Team total mark for team competitions (number)
Athlete # Number of athlete inside syncronised pair. (number)

For TRA, DMT and TUM the number is always 1.
External ID Attached ID from external system. (number).

Actual value depends on the setup of the system. May set to ID in accreditation system, or FIG license but. Usually it is empty, it is actually in use only for custom setups. 
Surname Surname of the athlete. (string)
Given Name Name of the athlete. (string)
Date of Birth Date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format. (string)
Sex Sex of the athlete. (string) Male or Female
Routine Number or routine. (number)
Mark Total mark of the routine. (number)

To avoid decimal signs the mark is multiplied by 1000, i.e. 38095 represents 38.095 mark

# Elements Number of elements performed. (number) 
Bonus Bonus set by CJP. (number)
Penalty Penalty set by CJP. (number)
Judge Judge role. (string)

The value identify the judge, i.e. E1...E5 is execution judges. D is difficulty judge. T is time of flight on syncro judge. E∑ represents medians of per-skill deductions.

Total mark of the judge. (number)

Represents total mark of the judge for routine. To avoid decimals following multiplications is applied:
  • E scores is multiplied by 10 i.e. 93 represents 9.3
  • D scores is multiplied by 10 i.e. 103 represents 10.3
  • T if represent time of flight is multiplied by 1000 i.e. 17385 represents 17.385
  • T if represent syncro score is multiplied by 10 i.e. 76 represents 7.6
S1 ... S10, L, A Deduction for the skill. (number)

Represents the deduction for the given skill.